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EasyVPN lets groups of PCs share files, play games, chat, and much more.
- Easily create virtual private networks
- Gain 'remote access' to your PCs
- Securely chat with multiple users
- Set up a multi-player gaming session
- Share files, photos, and more
Free for Personal Use
Interested in EasyVPN software for commercial use? Please click here or send an email to easyvpn@comodo.com.
What is Comodo Unite?
Our EasyVPN software allows home users to easily create a secure and encrypted virtual private network (VPNs) between groups of computers. Setting up a VPN is as easy as clicking a button. When you create a VPN with another PC or group of PCs, all computers within the VPN can securely share any files they choose. Share music and photos with pals, set up a multi-player gaming session, or simply chat with friends using the included messaging service. You can download files directly from another PC, or edit them without downloading them at all. Users of EasyVPN software are even able to securely access their work computer from their home machine and send documents to their local printer from any remote location. All this, and it's free-for-life for non-commercial use.
What else can EasyVPN software users do?
- Create private chat sessions with an unlimited number of participants
- Hold meetings with chat and file-sharing between people across the globe
- Tune up a friend's computer from your own
- Access any files found on a shared PC in the network
- Let family members have constant access to an extensive photo album
All EasyVPN VPN access Software communication utilizes 128-bit encryption for protection from hackers. This includes the EasyVPN chat service, a rarity among instant messengers. Plus, creating and building a network is amazingly simple. Just choose a user name and type in a friend or co-worker's user name to invite them to join your network. A few button clicks later, PCs are connected!
System Requirements
Supported Operating Systems:
- Windows Vista for 32 and 64 bit
- Windows XP for 32 and 64 bit
- Windows 7 for 32 and 64 bit
Minimum hardware required:
- 128 MB RAM for both 32 and 64 bit
- 10 MB Hard Disk Space for both 32 and 64 bit
Free for Personal Use
Interested in EasyVPN software for commercial use? Please click here or send an email to easyvpn@comodo.com.
Discover the many uses of EasyVPN VPN Software
- Access your PC from anywhere - take remote control of your home computer from work or vice versa.
- Engage in chat sessions with an unlimited amount of friends or family members with our VPN Software.
- Create an unlimited number of "socialized networks" that friends and family can join to share PCs.
- Start an online multiplayer gaming session between yourself and friends.
- Try out a friend's new software or video game without having to download it to a PC
- Help a friend or family member with any PC troubles they might be having, even if you're miles away (or let us do it with LivePCSupport)
- Create a Word or Excel document with a friend remotely, and with both of you able to edit at the same time
Free for Personal Use
Interested in EasyVPN software for commercial use? Please click here or send an email to easyvpn@comodo.com.
Frequently Asked Questions about EasyVPN with Instant Messaging
- What does VPN stand for?
- Virtual Private Network.
- Okay, and what is that?
- A virtual private network uses the Internet as a medium for transferring data and information between computers.
- Is EasyVPN secure?
- Yes. All data and chat transferred over an EasyVPN connection uses 128-bit encryption to ensure that hackers and frauds can't steal your private information. EasyVPN also features security measures that allow you to control exactly who accesses your computer – including password protection and full user authentication using personal digital certificates.
- So what happens when a VPN Software user lets me share their PC?
- When a user allows you to join and remotely access their network and connect to their PC you'll see precisely that: their PC's desktop!
- Cool! Can I actually click their desktop icons and stuff?
- Yes indeed. You and fellow VPN Software users will have easy access to all of the files stored on each other's PCs.
- Can I actually edit and save the files and documents on the other PC?
- Yes. It's just like sitting directly in front of the other PC in the network.
- Is there a way for me to communicate with the fellow people in my network?
- Yes, EasyVPN includes an instant messaging client, so all of the people within a network can easily chat.
- What do you mean by 'commercial use'?
- EasyVPN is free for non-commercial, personal use. If you'd like to use EasyVPN for your business or in your place of employment, Comodo charges a small fee. Click here to learn more, or send an email to easyvpn@comodo.com.
Free for Personal Use
Interested in EasyVPN software for commercial use? Please click here or send an email to easyvpn@comodo.com.
EasyVPN VPN Software Support
For help with EasyVPN VPN Software, check out the comprehensive user guide here.
Can't find an answer there? Visit our forum. It contains easy-to-find answers to many common problems.
Email Support:
If an answer can't be found within the user guide or the forums, please email us at desktopsupport@comodo.com for further assistance.

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