Anti-Malware Database
Comodo Anti-Malware Database - Latest additions
Comodo Anti-Malware Database - Latest additions
This page provides the current list of malware that has been added to Comodo's Anti Malware database to date. The Anti-Malware database helps to power Comodo software such as Comodo Internet Security. This page is updated every time our analysts update the signatures in our malware database.
Malware Category |
Total in Category |
ApplicUnwnt | 3 |
UnclassifiedMalware | 585 |
Submit files to Comodo - to submit a suspicious file or false positive, please visit
The complete Comodo Internet Security database is available for download. This is useful for those users that wish to manually replace the existing database or would like access to the database for other reasons. The complete, downloadable database is updated approximately every 2 days so may not contain all the latest definitions as shown in the table above.
For users of Comodo Antivirus or Internet Security 5.8 & newer :
For users of Comodo Antivirus or Internet Security 5.5 & older :
Step by step instructions on manually updating CIS definitions can be found here
Request the addition of your software to the Trusted Vendor List that ships with Comodo Internet Security.