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SSL CSR Auto-generator
Welcome to the Comodo SSL Certificate Auto-Requester. Please enter your server type, login details and order number to begin
- Your order number is detailed in your certificate confirmation email.
- Forgotten Password?
This applet will:
- Automatically generate a public/private key pair on your local machine.
- Use this key pair to create a CSR and automatically submit it to Comodo to apply for your certificate.
- Create a zip file containing your private key; your SSL certificate and a text file containing installation instructions.
- Place this zip file into the folder you chose at the start of the process.
Note 2: After moving the certificate and key files to your web server and installing your certificate you should:
- Confirm that the certificate is working for the domain you applied for
- After confirmation of certificate functionality, Comodo strongly advise that you delete the original copies from this local mail
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